Writing with @benzbara_

January 07, 2014

I was playing around in my room when I found a piece of folded paper under my sleeping lamp. I opened the paper and started to read it. It was a short story I've ever wrote in October 26, 2013. Well, I think I remember what has happened in that day. Let me tell you my experience.

Several months ago -26 October 2013- my sister asked me to visit Oost Koffie & Thee. It is located at Jalan Kaliwaron 60 Surabaya. One of several cozy cafes in Surabaya. But the day was different, because Mbak Winda had a duty to help one of Indonesian writer. He is Bernard Batubara a.k.a Benzbara. He just released a novel entitled Cinta. (baca: cinta dengan titik). I read the synopsis from the novel that I borrowed from Mbak Cyntia and I found a sentence that I love the most. Aaaaa, so galau-galau-ria deh. Well, you have to know my deepest heart condition that day, I just broke up with my beloved nyunyu several weeks ago *curcol hahaha*. Here, see this.

"Mengapa cinta membuatku mencintaimu,
ketika pada saat yang sama
kau mencintai orang yang bukan aku?"

The novel's cover, I like it

Next, Bang Bara asked Mbak Winda to seek for a cafe that can be used for 'Latihan Menulis'. He had a social project for Indonesian people who want to be a writer. He would teach us how to start writing and make our novel. And the event was held at Oost, yeay I was one of the several participants.

After the main session of the Latihan Menulis (I will tell you what's Bang Bara said about writing in others post hehehe), Bang Bara wanted us to write a short story that contain about RAIN, WINDOW, and FLOWER within 20 minutes. I admit that making a spontaneous story in 20 minutes was not easy. So you can imagine how hard it is to make a novel. But Bang Bara said that if you have 'NIAT' and 'KONSISTENSI' in writing, it's possible to make a novel only in three months. Because he prove it by himself. Maybe you guys who want to be a novelist must give a try for what Bang Bara said. Yeah I remember one of my favorite quote, Nelson Mandela said "It's always seems impossible, until it's done". Just do it.

Bang Bara give us so many useful tips and trick to start make a novel

Well, I've tried my best to write everything in my mind hahaha. So here we go, check my story !

21 Januari

“Hujan pertama di musim ini. Aromanya selalu candu. Seperti dirimu, si pengobat rindu.”

Lamunanku terpecah ketika petir mengamuk cukup keras. Kilatannya silau membuyarkan nostalgia lama. Aku masih orang yang sama. Si pemimpi berkacamata yang hobi duduk sendiri. Sore ini di kedai kopi, bangku paling pojok kiri dekat dinding, tapi punya jendela. Selalu jadi tempat favorit bagi kemarin, esok, dan seterusnya.
        Rintik hujan sore itu melayangkanku pada dirimu. Masa lalu. Masih saja aku ingat genggam tangan itu, yang menarikku pada tempat ini di 21 Januari, dua tahun yang lalu. Kau selalu bilang ‘ini tempat favoritku’ setelah kita duduk dan memesan dua cangkir kopi, selalu saja begitu. Meskipun kau tau, aku tak pernah lupa secuil pun tentang dirimu.
          Hari ini 21 Januari, aku masih saja menunggu. Memandang keluar jendela, melihat titik air meluncur dingin, dan sesekali memainkan embunnya dikaca jendela. Iya, memainkan embunnya. Seperti yang sering kau lakukan jika hujan mengguyur tepi kota. Mengusap kaca jendelanya dengan telunjukmu dan membuat segala bentuk yang aku inginkan.
            “Aku maunya kamu gambar sesuatu yang aku banget.”, kataku waktu itu.
           Jarimu mulai lincah membuat bentuk. Menggambar sambil bercerita ini itu.
        “Kau itu seperti bunga. Cantik. Menarik. Baik. Rela aja gitu susah demi orang yang butuuh. Contohnya kayak pas serangga butuh nektar kamu.”, katamu berseri sambil terus mengusap kaca jendelanya.
          21 Januari. Hujan. Jendela. Bunga. Yang membuatku masih rela menunggu dirimu. Meski aku tak tau dimana dirimu, dan hatimu.

When the time was up, Bang Bara wanted three of his participants to read their own story. And I was so brave to read it loud in front of the participants. With a little nervous, of course. I also got chance to take a picture with Bang Bara. And he give me his signature in my story paper, ah lovely. Thanks, Bang Bara :D

Bang Bara and Me :D

My story paper before Bang Bara signature it

NB : Attention ! It's a fiction story, so don't ever connect it with every single situation in my true life hahaha. No gossip please, hey you biang gosip !

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